Getting better podcast distribution — Do you need your own page/site for it?

Ok, so my podcast is in it's second season and just limping along in terms of listenership.

What's working:

  1. Recording quality is high in both audio and video.
  2. Guest lineup is improving in terms of expertise and their social audience.
  3. We use short, topic-specific clips to gain interest after each episode (usual 4-5 clips spaced out over 2-3 weeks across social channels)

But we host on Anchor.

Question is whether it's worth spinning up a dedicate web page or sub page just for the podcast?

Ideally, each episode would have a longer description, topic breakdown and start slowly pulling in some SEO traffic.

Is this worth doing? Or better to just keep trying to improve the content itself?

You can see the show details in my profile under product Ship it and Sip it.
or here 👉 https://anchor.fm/ship-it-and-sip-it

Any advice is definitely welcome 🙏

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    It depends. How does a website for your podcast help you gain more listeners? If this is, of course, your goal.

    I think it would be nice to have transcripts of your podcast on your site and more background information and resources about specific episodes.

    But if you don't have that many listeners, you might want to focus on getting your podcast content in front of more people. You can think of;

    1. Do some keyword research around an episode, and see if you can catch some organic traffic by writing blog posts.
    2. Split your episodes up for some micro-content that you can share to introduce a new audience to your podcast.

    Always happy to discuss this further. You can find my contact info on my profile.

    Good luck! 🚀

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    I think it's important to have your own website for your podcast. Consider PodPage, they make it really easy which is important. Keeping the main thing the main thing is what matters most. If they main thing is podcasting, then don't spend a lot of time on building your own website.

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    I don't think I ever find a podcast through a site. I find them through friends, in-podcast ads and sometimes YouTube.

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    Hey John, care to hit me up on Twitter? Would love to chat with you about this problem further!

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    Well it really depends, but it is always good to have a landing page. Where the users can find all your socials + all your channels.

    You can also show the latest podcasts and even use it for blogs. Website can really work as a great engagement funnel and it also helps with the credibility.

    As a web designer & developer I've noticed that having a good landing page can really boost your credibility and hence user engagement.

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