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Family and volatile income as indie hacker/freelancer

Any parents with children here? Indiehacking and/or freelancing seems easy if you're single and/or just a couple, but when having kids there are higher financial obligations and with a volatile income this seems tricky.

I'm considering going freelancer first before relying fully on indiehacker income, just because it seems it's easier to juggle. But on the other hand it feels like leaving a safe ship and going into a stressful time as a family.

Anyone with kids willing to share her/his thoughts about this?

posted to
Indie Parents
on August 12, 2022
  1. 1

    That is tough to answer without knowing your final goal in life.

    If you are aiming stability, you should mitigate your risk from my point of view.
    Why not having a full-time job, and be fully invested in your family and be freelancer?

    Yes that is a lot but if you are well organized it could work out. You will also feel less pressurized to take bad contracts.

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