What happened to the IH Podcast?

So, I just finished listening to all the past episodes of the IH podcast for the 3rd (maybe 4th?) time and was looking forward to a new episode when I finished - 200+ podcast episodes (most of which I've listened to previously, while enlightening, makes me crave a new one.

I really enjoyed a weekly dose of motivation that Courtland brought with his IH interviews on the podcast. I know it must be boring or repetitive and taxing for Courtland (and Channing) to put out new content and seek new motivating IHers to interview, but man is this missed.

Sadly, the podcast is was the primary draw for me to visit IH each day to see if a new episode was posted. Since November, I have come to IH less and less frequently, and am met with the sad disappointment of not seeing a new podcast. It's like waking up on Christmas and seeing Santa hasn't been..

I might have used the IH podcast as a 'crutch' that kept me 'learning' about what to do an never completing my only thing, but it was/is a great motivator nonetheless.

Am I the only one that keeps looking for a new episode? Am I the only one that misses this?

Am I the only one that secretly hopes the IH podcast sticks around long enough for me to actually finish a project and be successful enough at it to be invited on by Courtland (and Channing) as a guest?

@callen Bring back the podcast please!

  1. 7

    we've had our hands full working on something big. we'll make an announcement about it soon. meanwhile our hands are already less full and we're back to recording. new weekly episodes will start back up within a week.

    1. 1

      Been checking regularly, so weird to not have new episodes for almost 2 months..

      1. 2

        don't worry we've got some 🔥 coming your way

        1. 1

          Channing, have you thought of making it possible for IHers to post anonymously? I want to post something that's not tied to my main account. I created a new account, but it won't allow me to post before engaging.

          This encourages me to write halfassed comments to gain the karma to be allowed to post. But really, all I wanna do is post something that's not linked to my main account. Any thoughts/comments on that?

    2. 1

      How to get on to the Podcast and be interviewed? I remember csallen mentioning he was looking for fresh hustling stories that are more related IndieHackers.

      1. 1

        we're mostly letting our producer do the sourcing for the time being. for at least the next couple months we'll probably be going in the opposite direction, toward more successful/experienced founders, but after that we'll reassess

    3. 1

      Great to hear! Looking for forward to the return of the podcast and to see what you 2 are up to/

      Thanks for the personal reply!

  2. 1

    Can you please link it here?

  3. 1

    I LOVE the Indie Hackers podcast so I hope it continues. I also noticed that and was also thinking of starting one specifically for getting to 100K ARR. Would love thoughts if anyone has them:

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