Tools for creating product illustrations

Hi all,

I've been trying to validate a product of mine and spend a few iterations on the copy, trying to make it more clear what the product is and what it does. The one feedback I keep getting, though, is that it's still unclear what the product does and some illustrations/visualizations would be welcome.

It's still early with the product, so I would prefer to use some tool to create a mock-up/wireframe/etc to try and showcase the product. I've been playing around with Figma and Balsamiq, but without much success. Does anybody have some suggestions/recommendations on tools for early stage product visualizations?

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    Principle 2015: Animate idea fast. GIF. https://principleformac.com/
    Sketch 2011. Great for both simple interface + vector-based design https://www.sketch.com/

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        stumbled on these today.

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    To create product illustrations, I use several tools to help me visualize my ideas. Here are some of them:

    Adobe Illustrator: This is a powerful vector graphics editor that allows you to create professional high-resolution product illustrations. It provides a wide range of tools for drawing, creating shapes, and adjusting colors.

    Sketch: This is a popular interface and product design application. It provides an intuitive interface and functionality that helps me create simple and stylish product illustrations.

    Figma: This is an online design and prototyping tool that allows me to create product illustrations in a collaborative environment. It provides a rich set of tools for creating vector graphics and adding interactive elements.

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