TikTok created an alternate universe for Russian propaganda

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    Flipside to this is it powerfully validates "doux commerce" — the idea that trade civilizes us and bridges cultural gaps that would otherwise be unbridgeable.

    Just a few decades ago Russia and America were pointing nuclear warheads at each other and poised for mutually assured destruction. So in a weird way, it's a sign of unbelievable progress that we're now shocked at the "Russification" of a single, albeit major, social network.

    Imagine how things would be without all of this global interdependence on markets…

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      Just a few decades ago Russia and America were pointing nuclear warheads at each other and poised for mutually assured destruction.

      It's funny how history has a way of repeating itself. The cold war was behind us for ~30 years, then all of sudden the 2016 election happens and Russia becomes the enemy again.

      Imagine how things would be without all of this global interdependence on markets…

      I'm increasingly hesitant about globalization, and I think the last 5 years have severely challenged the concept. Pre-brexit and pre-coronavirus there seemed to be no doubt about globalization continuing to eat the world, but since the coronavirus epidemic, as well as nationalistic movements occurring around the world (not only in Ukraine) I think we will see the rise of the nationstate and the end of the globalization narrative.

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      Makes me wonder about the future of globalization and regionalization. Might we see more autonomous nation-states?

      Doux commerce as philosophy makes logical sense and provides some security. However, socio-economically, it's fascinating and often sad to see how it plays out.

      It effectively demonizes/diminishes poor nations not to mention spurs many other social ills: sexism, racism, xenophobia, etc. The dominant economies set the priorities of what it is to be civilized.

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    Pretty scary to see one of the world's largest social networks caving to Russian censorship and propaganda.

    TikTok has silenced Russian users and cut them off from the outside world — all while allowing State propaganda to flourish. Facebook and Twitter have had their services blocked there.

    Crazy to think of this as becoming a political norm moving forward, especially in countries that have strict control over businesses (like China).

    Will this deter the West or affect TikTok's business? Will this be normal in 5-20 years?

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      You talking like Western social network haven't haven't silenced or silencing user's opinion.
      Just publish a detailed video on Facebook and YouTube being Pro Russian and talk why it's important for Russia to protect it's border from getting circled by NATO forces from all sides. You video will be demonetized or deleted.
      Hypocrisy is Google officially sending email to every creators that they will not tolerate Anti-Ukraine videos.

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      Pretty scary to see one of the world's largest social networks caving to Russian censorship and propaganda.

      This isn’t any defense of Russia, but the social networks of the world cave to any government, whether it’s Russia, China, or the US. They are in the business of making cash, and they do what’s necessary to operate. We can scold them for being immoral, but when your a multinational social media company your not supposed to be Jesus.

      My prediction is the west will continue to make a big fuzz about the situation, but as soon as it’s alright to be doing business in Russia they will be back, even if it’s in a limited capacity.

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        Good points.

        "...as soon as it’s alright to be doing business in Russia they will be back, even if it’s in a limited capacity." Totally agree.

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      Unfortunately, I think this is already the norm. WeChat is a purveyor of Chinese state propaganda, and it surveils users for the communist party. It's a super powerful tool of social and political control there.

      It's starting to look more and more like that Black Mirror episode.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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