Is Reddit worth it?

Hi everyone!

Just a question to you, do you think being active in Reddit worth?

You know, does it worth as a traffic source or even branding, or is just a waste of time?

Please, tell me :)

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    Depends 100% on the subreddit(s) that fits your target audience/customer. I think Reddit is a great way to test new ideas and get early customers and feedback.

    I create digital board games, and have launched every new game on a perfect subreddit called /r/digitaltabletop (15k subscribers). I also use it for finding playtesters. I'm not actually that active on that subreddit, but my 10+ years using Reddit regularly makes me good at feeling out a subreddit and know what content will land well with the group vs what will get a bunch of "self-promo" hate.

    Useful tool: use https://subredditstats.com/ to find and research subreddits. It gives you a good feel for growth trends of communities as well as a good way to just find what is out there.

    Beginner Tip: Never just abruptly join a subreddit and post about your product. I usually join a subreddit a month or 2 prior to posting anything and I just participate as a valued member by posting useful/interesting content and commenting on top posts. You should always aim to be a value-add to any community you are hoping to benefit from as well (and of course, that include IH as well!)

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      Thanks a lot, truly :)

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