Ask questions from the product designer

I have seen many people talking about idea validation. Most of the resources they share on ideas validation are hard to follow and not practical, especially when you are a one-man army!

As a product designer, I worked on two web-application and 2 mobile applications and 30+ websites, and I wanted to share my knowledge with you guys!

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Ask questions about product design and idea validation!

posted to
Product Design
on July 28, 2022
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    What are the channels early-stage startups can use to validate an idea? Like reddit, twitter and others. Can you share some specifics?

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      Why are you focusing on finding a channel?

      Instead find a real person who has the problem you're solving!

      For the channel, it entirely depends on the people you are looking for.

      e.g. On Facebook groups, you can find startups and small companies people, and on Linkedin, you can find higher position people.

      Takeaway: Focus on finding a real person you can talk to and ask questions!

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