How can I optimize in the early days of a Shopify app launch?

We just made a pivot towards eCommerce and testimonials. We've had some success in that area already and felt this was a good market to run an experiment in to see if Shopify was a channel it made sense to put a significant effort behind.

We went public on the Shopify app store over the weekend and have a few thousand dollars we are able to put behind advertising to test with. I'm curious what successes, failures, and tactics others have employed to get a Shopify app off the ground.

Right now, we've had about 10 click-throughs on our ad, but no installs yet. Is this typical? We do offer a 7 day trial. What conversion rates (ad impressions, click-throughs, installs) have others seen?

Outside of advertising, what are the biggest successes you've had to get the word out about a Shopify app?shop

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    Make sure your campaigns are spot on. Exposure is great, but you really don't want to drive just any traffic to your website. Other than that, since there's also some existing traffic to your website, try personalizing your website using a personalization engine (twik is comfy and is literally 5 minutes to set up). It is an AI based process that helps you track user activity to learn preferences and behavior to suggest tailored content which encourages engagement and boosts sales. Good luck!

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