Driving traffic through Reddit

My favorite marketing method is the one that is working best at the time.

Right now, at the top of the (non-paid) marketing list is Reddit.

Why I like marketing on Reddit

There are certainly marketing approaches more scalable than posting and engaging on Reddit.

However, I love marketing on Reddit because:

  • There's at least one subreddit, if not many, for each niche

  • It's easy to find discussions you can add value to, making it an easy way to get in front of your audience

  • Links and comments you leave persist. A good post and comment will have a decent lifespan. Even once it falls off the first page of a subreddit, it'll be found for years as people search on that topic.

  • When you find your system, it doesn't take long

  • It's free

Unfortunately, the links are 'nofollow', which means they won't help provide SEO juice to the site you're linking to. But that's okay, it's still well worth the time.

Posting on Reddit

Publishing posts there can be quite effective, but you need to know the subreddit you're dealing with:

  • Some don't allow links

  • Some look down upon links if done in a clearly promotional way

  • Sometimes you'll get away with links, but get a lot of haters in the comments

Here's an example of a post of mine that drove a lot of newsletter subscribers:

What I learned at a startup incubator

Engaging on Reddit

An even easier, and less risky approach to driving traffic from Reddit is to leave valuable comments on existing posts, and periodically drop a relevant link to your product, newsletter, or blog.

Why commenting is better than posting

Most subreddit moderators are much more lenient when it comes to links in comments than links in posts, and I've never had any push-back or snarky comments with this approach.

How to find posts you can add value to

A simple way to find posts in your target audience is:

  1. Create a list of relevant subreddits for your niche(s). The easiest way to do this is to go here, type in keywords related to your niche(s), and create a list for each.

  2. Each day or so, go into each of those subreddits and scan or search for topics you can add value to.

How to leave an effective comment

Look, you and I both know we're here to drive traffic to whatever it is we're promoting.

But we aren't here to go spamming links. I promise that won't do anything positive for you.

When you find a post you can add value to, the key is the be genuinely helpful and thoughtful.

Every 3-5 comments you leave, find a way to add a link or reference to your products, newsletter, or even just a blog post of yours to generate awareness. And sprinkle links to products and sites that aren't yours on occasion too. Done this way, your links won't be looked down upon.

Here are a couple of examples:

Reddit post example 1

Reddit post example 2

A Reddit comment linking directly to a product

A Reddit comment linking to a blog post

Bonus tip: Ride a popular comment

Here's a bonus tip that can work great:

If you find a hot comment on a post - that is, a comment that due to the number of upvotes has risen well above the rest, and is therefore the first comment listed below the post - you can piggyback off of it.

You do this by leaving the best comment under that comment.

If you manage this, you're guaranteed to get a lot of eyeballs.

Monitoring subreddits and topics

I used to just keep links handy of all the subreddits I monitor, and go through them a few times a week.

That works, but now I use GummySearch, which helps discover and monitor subreddits in my niches significantly more easily and quickly.

I set up separate audiences for each that I want to monitor. Each audience in GummySearch is a group of subreddits.

I have separate audiences for each of my niches, sometimes multiple audiences for a given niche.

~Saved Reddit audiences

GummySearch lets me set up keyword searches within each of those that I can save and easily reference at any point to see the new posts that match those keywords.

Saved Reddit keyword searches

I then get an email when there are new posts found, and I can hop into the conversation without missing a beat. It didn't take long to get this set up and once I did, my process became silky smooth.

I aim to spend 5-15 minutes a day checking GummySearch to see what value I can add to my niche communities there. And when I don't I still get the email digest which often has at least one golden thread for me to jump into.

This post is part of the SaaS bootstrapper newsletter series where I share what I learned bootstrapping to $61k MRR and an exit, and share behind-the-scenes of what I'm doing now.

Subscribe here:

  1. 3

    Driving traffic through Reddit can be a straightforward process if you follow some simple steps:

    1. Find Relevant Subreddits
    2. Engage with the Community
    3. Share Valuable Content
    4. Craft Catchy Titles
    5. Follow Subreddit Rules
    6. Build Your Reddit Profile
    7. Encourage Discussions
    1. 1

      Thanks! I hope you find it useful

  2. 1

    Great work, Macmartine! This is an awesome article. You've clearly done your research and presented it in an easy to read way. I'm sure many people will benefit from this info!

  3. 1

    Great read man and I use gummysearch and f5bot all the time, definitely game changing tools for Reddit. I wrote some thing similar earlier, but the strategies I use to create blog posts / examples that resonate with the unfiltered conversations on reddit.

    Reddit has been my main traffic source for my site so far. Lots of opportunities for case studies / story content in R/Entrepreneur

    1. 1

      Hey, thanks!

      Your article is great too!

  4. 1

    Thanks for your tips!

  5. 1

    Great guide, thanks for the love for GummySearch!

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