Having trouble with font awesome icons in Windows 10 browsers - can you help?


I have a rails 5.2.3 app that uses font awesome 5.15.1 icons. The icons display properly on a variety of devices but a few users on Windows 10, accessing my app with any browser (e.g. edge, explorer, chrome) cannot see the icons.

I have looked around in google and stack overflow but the answers are either too old (nothin recent) or the solutions propose are to do with changing the windows 10 configuration (which needless to say i am reluctant to ask my users to do).

Has anybody come across anything like this? I am lost as to what to do with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Ruby on Rails
on January 12, 2021
  1. 3

    @nkrasnogor just out of curiosity, how did you setup font-awesome? Did you use a gem like font-awesome-sass?

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      @alachaum apologies for the delay responding. No, I am not using the gem.
      I prepared the package of the exact fonts i wanted at the font awesome site and then i am using their cdn to that package.

      Incidentally, it seems that the error I was finding, which i described above, was because the pacakged served by the cdn was corrupted. I simply re-generated it at the font-awesome site and now it is working.


      1. 2

        Good! At least you found the root cause :)

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