Data Privacy is WAY too confusing!

Privacy policies and data request forms SHOULD be easy to find, but many companies hide them deep in their UI. We created a resource to allow everyone to find data request forms. Privacy Hunt is a simple, free, crowd-sourced repository to reduce that to 1 click! 😁

Find a company, click on the link, and reclaim YOUR data. 🙌. Let me know what you think!


  1. 2

    This is cool. It's probably more work than you were probably thinking about putting into this but it would be great to use something like GPT3 to boil down the TOS, etc, into TLDR; summaries for each of the policies.

    1. 3

      Great idea. I just applied for OpenAI's waitlist. Would love to start to work on that :)


    2. 2

      Good idea, would also add a way to subscribe for changes. It’s easy to miss them if the service provider does not send updates via email. And when they do, it’s not always clear what changed.

  2. 2

    I know it is pretty simple; just built it using airtable database and the site uses Hugo, so it was a quick build and makes it simple to iterate!

  3. 1

    Hello everyone!

    With the increasing importance of data privacy, it's essential for professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and regulations. One way to do this is by obtaining a data privacy certification. Here are 5 of the best data privacy certifications you should consider:

    Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP)
    Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)
    Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
    Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
    PrivacyOps Certification (Securiti.ai) - https://education.securiti.ai/certifications/privacyops/
    Each of these certifications offers a unique curriculum and focuses on different aspects of data privacy. However, PrivacyOps Certification from Securiti.ai stands out as it provides a comprehensive and hands-on education on privacy operations, governance, and the latest privacy regulations.

    I hope this helps you in your quest for a data privacy certification. Good luck!

  4. 1

    Something a lot of businesses don't do (that they are legally required to do) is have their privacy policy in their website footer. Another gigantic issue is that if they do, it isn't readable for anyone who isn't a lawyer.

    I love the idea of this because my company Vivifi drafts GDPR/CCPA/CalOPPA compliant privacy/cookie policies that have a summary page and a full legal page. It's something that so many law firms and websites do not do and it is frustrating to me as a consumer that I can't figure out what is happening with my data without spending 2hrs reading a confusing document.

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