Join my B2C Twitter Engagement Group

Hi Everyone,

I'm committing to growing my presence on Twitter this year and I would like to create a Twitter engagement group for fellow IndieHacker's trying to grow their twitter account.

A little about me, I'm a mobile developer working on Consumer/B2C apps and I currently have over 500 followers on Twitter. My first startup did ok for a while and most of my followers are from that period.

The engagement group will probably make the most sense for people also launching an app, in marketing or product, or a developer etc. As long as you tweet regularly and are committed to growing your twitter account as well.

For those who don't know what a twitter engagement group is, this is how it will work.

We'll create a list of all the members in the group
When anyone in that list posts, we will amplify their message by liking, commenting, retweeting etc
I guess we'll agree in the group on frequency, activity etc
Please send me a message or reply with your handle under this post if you would like to join the group. Or feel free to take this idea and create an engagement group of your own.

I just found out about engagement groups and seems like a great way to get visibility with support from peers.

@rosiesherry Hi Rosie, not sure what the rules are on IH about double posting but I also posted this on the Twitter group. I saw the IndieWomen group had gone quiet so thought I'd get things going by reposting in here as well :)

posted to
Indie Women
on February 21, 2022
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