Podcasting statistics in 2021

  1. 1

    Thanks for this great article!
    Are there statistics that show what sort of content is more largely used/subscribed by the users on podcasts?

    1. 1

      The categories to which the podcast belongs?
      No, I don't have that data. Therefore I can't make a graph of them.

  2. 1

    That was an interesting read.

    A few things:

    • I'd be interested in knowing the distribution of podcasts in terms of number of episodes if you remove the smaller podcasts (so like if you remove the 62% which are <5 episodes)
    • I think it makes sense that 2020 saw an insane growth in new podcasts, however, new episodes released and total duration heard by listeners are probably better proxies for tracking the evolution of podcasts. What do you think?
    1. 1

      I can do the first point
      But does it make sense?
      What conclusions can you draw from that graph?

      Regarding the second point. The database I am using does not have the dates of all the episodes nor the time of listening. Surely it would provide much more relevant information, but I don't have the data to be able to create such a graph.

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