Extension Screenshot Review

This weekend I published a new screenshot for my URL Shortener Extension. As a developer, I spend most of my time on the code for an extension then quickly create a couple of screenshots before submitting the extension. I think extension screenshots, descriptions, headings, etc are what make the best extensions stand out. If you rushed making screenshots as I did, it might be a good time to redo them. Let me know what you think.




Share your extension and thoughts that went into creating your extension listing.

posted to
Browser Extension Makers
on November 22, 2021
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    Hey Tim, nice update to your store listing!
    I'm looking forward to seeing extensions from other fellow indie hackers.

    Here's mine, it's TurboNav. A command-line experience for your browser.

    Overall, I took inspiration from the top extensions like Pocket, Honey, Grammarly. Keeping the main value proposition at the top. I've only soft-launched unlisted with a small beta. I'm thinking about listing in the chrome web store to start getting impressions directly from the store.

    Very soon, I plan on creating a video walking through the main features. Once that's done along with a Pro feature I have in the works, I'll be sharing it on Product Hunt, kinda been taking my time to launch there and share on Hacker News. Not sure why, just feel like I'm not quite ready

    here's what the store listing looks like:

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    Great topic! I'm looking for advice in this field. On the extension page, I preferred to show the video on the first slide, next are screenshots.
    Also, I consider the most important parts are the small promo tiles. I have a lower than 3% conversion from promo tiles to extensions and 40% from extension page to install. I tested different formats, but without success.

    @timleland What conversion rate do you have if you monitor it? I see you are using different brand icons bitly tinyurl on promo tiles. Is it increase your click rate?

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      I would like to know if video converts better but it's hard to tell. I'm seeing around 2k-3k impressions with 500-900 installs per day.

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        Thank you for sharing! Is it impressions on the extension page(from Google Analytics) or impressions promo tiles in the web store(from developer dashboard CWS)?
        In my case, I'm seeing around 26-30K impressions promo tiles(from CWS) which converts in 700-900 impressions extension page(from GA) with 300-400 installs per day.

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