Esports Twitter feeds to follow

Hello Esports fans,

Just wondering what esports Twitter feeds you follow and recommend?

I had never used Twitter until I started one for Esports Grandstand so I'm looking for relevant feeds to follow.

I'd appreciate any follows from Indie Hackers interested in Esports, twitter.com/esgrandstand

As a bonus and a bit of fun I also built a Twitter bot over the weekend that automatically posts highlights and replays of esports matches.

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    Really depends on what you want to follow, obviously follow the leagues, teams, players you're interested in.

    One really useful thing is twitter topics. You can essentially follow certain topics and twitter's algorithm will add in tweets it thinks are relevant to both your feed or the topics own feed if you view it directly. There are topics like esports, topics for certain teams, plenty of topics under gaming as well. Similar to topics are twitter lists, which function more or less like topics but they are curated by users, so you can probably google "best twitter esports lists" and find some to follow (or look at prominent people and see if they have any good lists to follow).

    Other than that there are a few individual accounts I would recommend such as @JukedGG which is a site that collects info on tournaments and news from many different platforms in one place, and their twitter talks about a lot of tournaments. Also @LiquipediaNet which is basically a wiki for esports, they tweet about a lot of tournaments and they even have specific handles for different games (example @LiquipediaVAL for Valorant).

    I also just started one the other day (https://twitter.com/MGTCGaming) more focused on news, clips, and highlights, and my personal is @keuxdi (I don't tweet much but you might find some interesting accounts in my follows) . I'll drop your accounts a follow :)

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      Thanks for the suggestions, I've given them all a follow. As you mentioned I am already following all the top tier teams and tournament accounts such as LEC, LCS, LPL, etc

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