How do you motivate your sales team?

Hi all 👋

Obviously, keeping a sales team highly motivated is very important as low morale directly affects the sales performance.

For those managing sales teams, what methods and strategies do you use to keep your team motivated and relaxed? Do you have a physical reward system?
How do you set up your competitions and challenges? How do you celebrate wins?

If you do sales independently, how do you keep yourself motivated?

I'm asking this to get more insights on what functionalities to implement in the sales motivation platform I'm planning to build.


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    Commissions & bonuses :)

    For example:

    25% for closing an outbound lead (you bring and close the lead).
    15% for closing an inbound lead (you close a lead the company got you).
    10% for bringing a lead somebody else closes.

    +2% bonus for the best rep monthly
    +2% if you close over $X/monthly

    If you have a team under you, you get 3% of what your team closes.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your reply!

      How do you deal with bad/slow days?
      Obviously monetary incentives work best, but besides those, what do you think that boosts morale most? Upbeat Music? Competition between teams?

      1. 2

        How do you deal with bad/slow days?

        Understand you can't avoid these and everybody has these and just do more outbound. Also jumping on calls with other reps and talking it through, not holding it in.

        Obviously monetary incentives work best, but besides those, what do you think that boosts morale most? Upbeat Music? Competition between teams?

        Competition is good for sure. Also talking with other reps, jumping on calls with them. Roleplaying and practising when things are slow.

        1. 1

          Ok, thanks for the feedback!

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