Feedback on new Ghost Theme

Hey guys!

I just published my new Ghost Theme and i could really use some feedback. Here is a link for the theme's page at Gumroad, you can find a live demo there:

Phantom Theme for Ghost

This is my first theme, so if you guys had some insights about marketing and selling it, i would be really grateful. Right now it's just a Gumroad page, a live demo and a pending upload at ThemeForest.

  1. 1

    Nice looking theme, but I would rethink the font for the name - It looks like 'Phanton' to me, with an 'n' at the end, whereas the description is the more normal 'Phantom'. Quite confusing, and people could mis-spell it while searching etc. if they just saw the screenshot.

  2. 1

    It looks good.

    Though on pages like this I would choose better images, no one wants to just see the top of a lion's head 🦁

    Also @dr has created some Ghost themes, maybe he has same advice to share.

  3. 1

    I love it! The cover is a bit pixelated, but clearly the polish is there :)

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