Is NFT art any good? Art critic says no (but also yes)

An art critic's thoughts on NFTs: Most are shit, some are art.

"In strictly economic terms, NFTs are the biggest thing to happen to art markets in a long time — but most of them are just so insipid that they’d be more interesting if they were actively, aggressively ugly."

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    Art is subjective. And NFTs are a revolution in the art world, regardless of how critics view them. There are pieces in museums that I would throw in the garbage. Doesn't mean it isn't art.

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    That's actually the same thought we had when while writing our article about NFT Logo entitled , Can You NFT A Logo?.

    Like what they said, art is subjective. No one should define what Art is for other people. After all, they have an distinct eye plus the money and other resources to purchase and own an NFT art.

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    Like they say in the article, most of it is mass-produced. That, to me, is not art. This quote strikes a chord:

    “The defining production method across all NFTs is that they’re auto-generated as a batch of hundreds or thousands of images to be sold at a time,” Troemel wrote, a strategy that he believes was created to “give a lot of people as little as possible.”

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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