Bad luck doesn't last forever!

If you are reading this in IndieHackers, you are already a fighter. Keep going, nobody has bad luck all the time,...

The name of the game is survival. It's practically impossible to have bad luck all the time. The most difficult part is having the grit to persevere during tough times. Eventually, there will be always an opportunity while grinding. Learning and keeping an open mind during the survival mode will increase the chances to seek and find the opportunity (good luck or should we say good grit!).


posted to
Mental Models
on December 11, 2021
  1. 4

    I always say that as long as you don't know in which direction you're sailing, no wind is favorable. So you can't say luck without saying consistency in the same sentence.

  2. 2

    Than you for your words!!. My back luck will soon ends, I know

    1. 2

      Happy to help!! Yet, we need to keep pushing forward. Waiting for something good to happen is less likely than if we go after it. Don't get discouraged.... keep learning ;)

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