15 Lessons from "Dotcom Secrets" by Russel Brunson (that every internet founder needs to know)

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Book Club
on July 12, 2022
  1. 2

    Let's just take a moment to appreciate what's behind this quote:

    "If you change your bait, you'll change your customer"

    It's very, very easy to get caught in the trap of acquiring customers — any customers — at all costs. Especially in the beginning. But that will send you down the wrong road. It's all about getting the right customers. I'd much rather have one superfan who is spreading word of mouth, purchasing upsells, and remaining a customer than 10 customers who are just mildly interested (or worse — huge time sucks).

    1. 1

      Yes, that's such a good point, and something that we often miss especially when we're starting out..

  2. 2

    Loved this: "They come in looking for a result, but they stay because of their relationship with you”

    Also, @ayushchat #8 and #9 are identical.

    1. 1

      Oooo.. sorry.. thanks for pointing out, I'll fix that..

  3. 2

    I don't like "always do X" type of advice, because there are always exceptions.

    For example, "Every page should have 1 clear call to action.".

    What about home pages? People usually arrive to a home page trying to explore/find something, do having multiple CTAs makes sense.

    1. 1

      Yea I agree..

      My takeaway is the core point to not to confuse the customer.

      Also, the book is about marketing and is written in the context of funnels, so each step in the funnel is a single page with a single purpose, so single CTA makes sense in that context.

      But homepages of course, can have multiple CTAs.

  4. 2

    A great reminder, thank you Ayush

  5. 2

    I liked this "They come in looking for a result, but they stay because of their relationship with you."

    At first, you have a consumer/client. But after engaging with them, they become fans. And in time, true fans.

    1. 2

      Yes indeed.. it's a wonderful concept..

  6. 2

    Thanks for the refresher on that book.

    Kudos on that beautiful gradient at the top.

    1. 2

      Thank you.

      And the gradient is there because I use feather.so from @pbteja1998 for my blog.

  7. 2

    This one stuck out to me:

    “There is no strategic advantage of being the second lowest price leader in town.
    But there is a huge strategic advantage of being the most expensive”

    1. 1

      Yup! such a powerful idea!

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