😎 Cool articles for indie hackers: last week edition😎

These are some of the relevant and interesting things for indiehackers that happened in the last week.

  1. Can I build something ONLY for money? short-answer: YES
    A good thread on hackernews
  1. A full video course on anti-procrastination
    Overcome procrastination with 10 min a day

3.A cool financial planner without giving access to your data.
Model and Simulate Your Financial Future

4.Javier Anton's app was delisted without any warning
My app just got removed with no prior warning

  1. If you don't sleep much, do exercise
    There Could Be a Simple Way to Offset The Negative Health Impacts of Terrible Sleep
  1. Google doesn't want you to stop searching. That's why it made Google drive file management purposely bad: Says Dave Lynam
    Why Google's bookmark manager and Docs have purposefully bad UI

7.Make Toy projects. They are useful.
Why Build Toys

  1. A lot of apps for desktops are being built on Electron.
    Trigger Warning: The Web is Eating the Desktop
  1. Write freely: no news feed, notifications, or unnecessary likes or claps to take you away from your train of thought.
    An open-source platform for building a writing space on the web.
  1. Many people now use adblockers, so you may not get the actual traffic data using google analytics.
    A short Twitter thread

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If you are happy to participate in the USER FEEDBACK session of @photoATM, please email me at [email protected].

After the feedback, I'll give you a 6-month FREE subscription to PhotoATM.com, Which I may extend to 12 months if you need it.

For more details, please read this blog post

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