Made the first sale after building for a year and monetizing it for a day

Hello Indie Hackers!

We have been building Shopgram (https://shopgram.io/) for over a year and everything was free in this timespan.

We were a search engine for Shopify stores and started out with 750,000 stores and have reached more than 1.2 million stores now.

While we were adding more stores, we added new features anytime there were suggestions for it. Features like social media channels, contacts, product distribution, and more. In the process, we improved our crawler and ai to work to its best.

Most asked us for a way to export or save the detailed reports.
And then we did it just two days ago, launched a brand-new Shopgram with all the asked features.

The good news is, we still haven't sent an email to previous users that had signed up! (since we wanted to change some minor Marketing stuff)

and we got the first purchase just today. What a great way to look for the Monday coming up!

  1. 1

    Nice, your site looks super good! Were the previous users who had signed up just people who found your site organically?
    Good luck with future sales :)

  2. 1

    Congratulations! I imagine there is a niche (but high paying) audience for access to data like this.

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