I signed up for Twitter Blue, who else has? 🤩

It's not about the verification for me, it's more about getting access to extra features and hopefully getting early access to new things that are launched.

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    What is it? I have a blue chque mark (I think?) @danielstedman, and I don't know what either one of them does.

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    I would like to see verification be a one-time purchase. If you changed your name, you would have to reverify. This is similar to how the Chrome extension store works. You must pay a one-time $5 fee to submit an extension. This limits the number of spam submissions. But at the same time, most legitimate developers are willing to pay the $5. Apple also requires a $99 annual fee to submit apps.

    I'm excited to see what the new features are going to be. For now, I'm going to wait to subscribe. If verification limits the spam DMs I get, I'll be excited!

    I'm a fan of Twitter and want to see it succeed. It's a great platform where I've been able to connect with so many interesting people. If anyone is interested in browser extensions, tech, or developer content, I would love a follow @TimLeland

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