Roast Our Landing Page

We built go2 to solve a problem for a client of ours. As it grew we decided it could be a stand alone product.

We'd love some good honest IH feedback on:
• How the page feels
• If you understand the product
• Improvements to make
• If you'd use go2 yourself!


  1. 2

    Hey Ed (@ewhicher)

    I'm also not clear, like @UI_Flip mentioned the term "marketing links". However, I can assume that it's a combination of many terms you described as a marketing link. That includes ads tracking links and much more...

    However, I really think you can make a bit more clear and easy headlines.

    Secondly, I think adding a go-through video can actually help to understand the audience quickly.

    I must say, you should focus more on the "how your tool can help solve your user's problems" part effectively because that's the most important part.
    That part can be described in many ways.

    While adding customer testimonials and reviews can help build trust among first-come users, it's fine to add friends' names and feedback for the initial part.

    In addition to that, I checked the guest post page, and I didn't find the font colour a good contrast to read, which actually does not allow me to read easily. So, you can improve the colour contrast of fonts.

    As an SEO guy, I can say you can work parallel on ranking stuff. Find your target keywords and work on blog content creation so it helps to rank with those keywords. Of course, it takes time, but it's good to start now because no other method can beat organic ranking.

    Hope this feedback helps! LMK

    1. 1

      Thanks so much for this feedback! The font contrast is defo a bug so thanks for pointing out.

      Some great points in here, I think refining the headlines and emph on the "how your tool can help solve your user's problems" is spot on.

      Appreciate it 🙏

  2. 2

    I'm not expert in marketing, but I've never heard the terms "marketing links". How do they differ from backlinks (I'm not an expert in SEO, but I've heard that term).
    The "Learn more" button is useless as it scrolls you just a few pixels down, so I'd remove it in favour of better focus for the "Get Started" CTA.
    The screenshot is looking good (I love charts) but consider making a video and a "Play" button overlaying the image, to show a quick demo and explain the product (in a modal).
    Consider adding some about section to tell a story and maybe some social media links in order to start building some audience and trust.
    Good luck!

    1. 1

      Thanks for the message @UI_Flip, really appreciate it. Video is a must have for sure, as well as telling our story.

      We coined the term 'marketing links' to cover anything where you are linking from a piece of marketing to something else. They are essentially backlinks but we felt it covered a little more and just stuck.

      Thanks again!

  3. 2

    Hi @ewhicher!

    What are the use cases that someone might be using go2?
    Here some screenshots/images will help someone envision what they can use go2 for.

    e.g. Customers that doesn't want to share bitly or tinyurl links,
    and wants a branded link mybusine.ss/51a. Common words like offer and discount are already taken on bitly, and you need to waste time thinking about different combinations of words still available.

    From the hero title, I get the feeling that's more for marketing folks.

    You can position go2, as a way to help marketing freelancers show the revenue generated for their clients, by using go2 links and having a clear view of their activity on a separate dashboard without needing access to analytics/internal data.

    Look up on Linkedin for similar clients (e.g. business size, industry, etc.) as the one you developed the solution, and ask them if they will want to try your service, in exchange for feedback.

    1. 2

      Thanks for the reply @twosecondspro! Love your ideas and we really appreciate you coming back to us 🙂

      Definitely going to implement some of your comments on the landing page, it's a great idea to directly call out some of the shortcomings of our bigger competitors.

      We are thinking of positioning it towards marketing teams within a bigger organisation who have a ton of campaigns to manage. That way the UTM management at it's core becomes the primary benefit. I do think you are right however, that solo users might find the end to end tracking and other features an attractive sell.

      Your second idea is spot on, we are in the process of looking for teams like the one we already have, so good to have your validation there!

      Thanks again

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