Got laughed at during a demo call

I'm a founder who does all the demo calls for anyone who books it. I feel they're super useful for learning how to make the product better. Usually it's 30min-1 hour. I'm an engineer, so rest of my time is spent coding.

I got in a call with this guy, let's call him Jason, and we had an hour long conversation on how our platform works. I learned about his problems, annoyances, etc. You know, usual stuff.
And then finally, when he's ready to create the account he asks..."HOW MUCH IS IT?"....So i tell him "$49/month".

The guy LOL'D IRL.

"You're getting in an HOUR long call for $49/month?! "
He then proceeded to create an account and pay while on the zoom call. I didn't need to push him to do this.

That was my signal that maybe I should double our pricing soon. I learned that if 80% of your prospects doesn't fight back on the price, then you can charge more.

  1. 1

    Double your prices today! There is no excuse after this

  2. 1

    From the title I assumed you got laughed at haha. But im glad to hear thats not the case. Raise those prices!

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