Is ChatGPT the End of Traditional Search Engines?

ChatGPT has been the name in town for the past few weeks.

Many speculate on what it could disrupt. Whenever you open up a new chat and start asking questions, it's impossible to not have a feeling of wonder. The results it outputs are just incredible, and it does feel like magic in many cases.

And inevitably, a question came up:

Will ChatGPT replace Search Engines?

It's not a ridiculous question. After all, it does give you very good answers for... pretty much anything.

Let's say we need a recipe for delicious "escargot", a staple of French cuisine. Open up ChatGPT, type it up, and..

example 1


But it's not just recipes. It can also summarize historical events, such as the Thirty Years War:

example 2

And while it is still a Beta, it already tackles very complex tasks. For example, @rameerez tested how well it could handle a coding challenge. And it delivered.

So it can give us Michelin star recipes, act as the British Encyclopedia, and even solve coding challenges. Can it help out marketers?

Yes, yes it can.

We asked ChatGPT to generate some headlines for this article. The headline you read and clicked was actually generated by an AI!

example 3

It just feels magical. So it's no wonder people are looking at this and thinking: "Will I ever need to use Google again?"

And the answer depends on the person. Or robot, really. ChatGPT says you don't need to worry:

And in truth, I don't think Search Engines are going anywhere for two main reasons:

1 - For now, this feels more like the introduction of Voice Searches.
2 - And the competition amongst search engines shows the market won't be completely taken over.

When voice searches came into the scene, many speculated that in a few years no one would be searching Google. But they still do. Some searches might be done more with Voice, depending on how complex and the context you're in, but you sometimes still need to do advanced searches.

And Google doesn’t control the whole market. DuckDuckGo exists for those concerned with their personal data. Ecosia is the alternative for eco-friendly searchers. Even Brave recently made a debut with its own search engine. ChatGPT feels more like an addition to this roster than a complete overhaul of the industry.

Whatever the outcome, there's no denying. This is an exciting technology. It's still in its infancy, so one can only wonder - how far can it go?

(Original article posted on Notice)

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