No, Twitter is not a free university ✋

  1. 4

    No, Twitter is not a free university. I wouldn't even call it a school.

    But it is a valuable source and conduit of education. I've found that Twitter is a resource for people, companies and ideas to watch or research more. I don't use it as a means to learn. Instead it's shown me things that I should research more.

    I view it instead as a curator of info that is interesting and useful. It's also a solid platform to learn about your customers.

    1. 1

      Yes, I love that approach, thanks for sharing Jamie 👍

  2. 2

    Great article. I find 90% (maybe more) of threads to be the most surface level commentary out there. The extra insult is the crudely inserted CTA at the end saying "buy my course".

    Tweets / threads CAN be insightful like you said, but they also can just be cleverly crafted attention traps.

    1. 2

      Yes, the nature of the game is such, I think the algorithm optimizes for clickbait, so that's what most people end up writing there.

      1. 2

        For sure! The algorithm sees the engagement and shows the thread to more people outside the poster's followers. Just part of the game I suppose.

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