I often answer to cold outreach

Sometimes because I am interested and would love to jump on the opportunity and sometimes because I just want to reverse-engineer how others do it. Or if I see that I can definitely help an entrepreneur colleague.

Recently I received a proposal to integrate cryptocurrency payments into my product.

I knew beforehand that I wouldn’t do it due to many reasons, but mostly:

  1. It will complicate my accounting.
  2. My target customers don’t need to pay me with cryptocurrency.
  3. I don’t have time for additional development.

I told them that. To my surprise, they ignored these problems and started to sell me their features.

They had indeed impressive features and a lot of automation. But how could I care if my core doubts and problems hadn’t been even addressed?

If instead:

  1. They showed me that they could simplify accounting
  2. And they have a decent KYC process.
  3. And promised to help with integration so that it wouldn’t take any time.

Then I might have considered it. And yet my current potential customers don’t pay me in cryptocurrency.

It taught me a lesson. You cannot sell everything to anybody.

The features are great! But you must target your ideal customer profile even when reaching out and ideally trying to address their problems and concerns.

What would you do?

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    If you don't mind, would you share how they reached to you? Or how would you start cold emailing?

    I do struggle with this a bit..
    I tried 'InMailing' in LinkedIn, and it has some results.
    But I still would like to try emailing.

    I don't know where to search emails? Same way as in LinkedIn, or there is another path?

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      They reached out via my support chat and many people reach out usually via my support emails.

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    Yeah, nobody likes that type of people..
    When you clearly say that you don't want it, but they still push. I said once, it should be enough to stop.

    Crypto payments are not actually a good solution, imo, there is more cons then prons.
    The only thing is speed, and that's all.
    What currency did they suggest, if not a secret?

    For me it does not matter, what format will payment be, as long as it will be :))

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      No, not a secret, of course. They had a lot of cryptocurrencies to integrate with, but highly unlikely any of my customers would pay me that way.

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