Software application

I have a pharmacy and my software vendor doesn't have a application that does monthly auto fill for prescription so I have to go and make report on daily basis to see who is due for meds.
I used to work for cvs and their system run automatically and bill prescriptions
How hard to create an application that takes patients prescriptions and put them on a monthly cycle? Integrate with the vendor system? Cost time
Thank you

  1. 1

    I am in Michigan and use SRS https://www.srspharmacy.com/.
    There is already applications that talk to the program for different purpose

  2. 1

    It depends on a lot of factors. The application would need to talk with the government and/or medical services. And this can be only achieved if they have the ability for example API to do so. And also there is the legal side what is different in every contry.

    It would realy help if you would share the country you live in and also the vendor you are currently using?

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