I want to collect more data about my product on Gumroad 🤔

Hi everyone,

I want to use URL parameters to collect more data on my Gumroad page.

For example:

mylandingpage .com/?utm_content=tphz

This will track if visitors came through the link in Hamza's Twitter profile.

NOTE: utm_content is a URL parameter that Google Analytics uses to collect custom data set by the link owner.

If you have another way to do so, please share it with us.

  1. 2

    I was using UTM params incorrectly, I must add some required params:

    check this for more info:

    1. 2

      Yep, you were missing the required parameters. Here's the breakdown:

      Medium (required): This is the most general and least granular. It's usually a general marketing channel such as Email, Banner, or Search.

      Source (required): The next level down under each Medium. One way to break this down is a vendor or provider used with the Medium. For example, if you run social ads on both Facebook and TikTok, those services become the Medium values.
      Or, you could use it to describe varieties or types of campaigns you'd run under each Medium. For example, under the Medium of Email you could have Sources of "email course" or "onboarding" or "regular campaign".

      Campaign (required): This is an individual campaign that is set at your discretion, such as "black friday sale" or "onboarding email 2" or "reddit ama".

      Term (optional): This is for campaigns that involve keywords, such as search ads.

      Content (optional): This is available for whatever you need, such as a variant of an ad if you're testing several (think "red banner" vs "blue banner").

      ^ This is an excerpt from my book, Analytics for Indies: https://gum.co/YPXAA

  2. 1

    I'm happy to build this into flurly if you'd be willing to try it out :)

    1. 1

      hey, nice alternative but it doesn't seem to provide features that don't exist in Gumroad.

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