Take over on my project with the first few customers (SaaS Personalized meal planning)

Hello Indiehackers,

I'm stuck with my project and focus on other businesses.

I've spent $30,000 on the project so far. Most are spend on developer, design, premium domain, content and some on spending for Google Ads and Facebook Ads for some test traffic.

The system is 100% automatically meal planning software. The users chose information about them such as weight, gender, height, activity level, food they dislike etc. After that, the system generate a monthly meal plan for weight loss.

I've tested different pricing models, but right now it is $12 monthly.

The website is built on a customized WordPress/Woocommerce with a custom design on a premium domain name.

I'm ready to sell 100% of the project fraction for what I've spent or another agreement where I still keep some part of the company, but being passive owner.

A great possibility for a marketer or developer with an interest in marketing.

Company name: Nutiro

Look forward to hearing from you :-)


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