Youtube is becoming more "adult"

I recently saw this great video by MatPat about the future of youtube and digital media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlxghmlGNoI

It seems Youtube is becoming more "adult" and business oriented due to brand safety guidelines, exigence for social accountability, and youtuber corporatization.

And because of that, younger audiences are migrating to Tiktok, which is a platform that is easier to create and consume content.

I personally have been keeping an eye on youtube and TikTok for quite some time and have definitely seen evidence of this happening.

What are your views on this?

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    One crucial thing makes me angry is aggressive ads on youtube before each video, always the same. It's the worst model and the thing makes me search for alternative for streaming. So for me isn't about being adult, but monetize more your users.. with ads. Old story, really

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      Ads were getting pretty annoying, especially the unskipabble 15 sec ones.

      Maybe its worth it to buy youtube premium or use an adblock.

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        Yes, but people behind youtube doesn't understand that people will be pissed off of this? I mean they think make a service that works now be worse with unskippable ads of 15s ( 15s!! On internet!) help to keep users ?
        I use adblock ( ublock origin ) but from time to time things start to go bad again :(

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          From my understanding, partnered creators have a lot of control over ad placement, and I think the more casual audiences don't mind it as much, so they will experiment and see how much ads can be used without hurting the channel.

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    I think it's expected as YouTube as a medium and its audience matures. There' still plenty of individuals on YouTube, but the VAST majority of the content being engaged with has been completely captured by big companies.

    YouTube got big and when it hit the edge of the mainstream, big co. shows up to get in on the action. They make a little money and have a huge war chest of a budget to make it go even more mainstream, and they make more money, and so on. It's a self-feeding cycle.

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      Yes, it makes sense as something similar happened to Facebook.

      I still see smaller niche channels growing organically but in general, the barriers of entry have increased, especially when compared to Tiktok or Youtube from 5 years ago.

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