Learn all the new accounts top indie hackers start following on Twitter.

I built a bot called @SmallTechAlert to keep track of what impressive indie developers do on Twitter. Just follow the bot to see who @levelsio, @csallen, @tibo etc. start following. It's a free new source of inspiration. Hope you like it.

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    I always smile when I read sentences like this with my morning coffee: "The primordial soup is set for another Cambrian explosion — this time for the AI powered entrepreneurs and with the help of the non-biologicals." :D

    Cool little project, kudos!

    1. 1

      Thank you for the kind words. That sentence might be a bit of an overkill, true. :)

  2. 1

    Hey Silver, that's really interesting :)

    1. 2

      Thanks, don't forget to upvote here so more people see it. 🙏

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