Gumroad missing review

Few months back gumroad added a rating feature but there isn't a review section.

The only way is authors can add review by embedding tweets or screenhots.

It will be interesting if there is review section or if gumroad don't have a plan there can be a side project for putting verified buyers review.

What do you all think about it?

(P.s: I don't sell in gumroad but a purchases occasionally)

  1. 1

    A huge missing feature.

    1. 1

      Yes. But as per Gumroad they don't have a plan for it.

      Do you think a separate review website with verified buyers' reviews will be useful?

  2. 1

    It's not on the roadmap at the moment, but I think about this often. As a creator, I have to admit that letting user-generated content appear on my product page unmoderated would make me quite nervous! So I think at least the messages might have to be moderated by the creator — although I understand that might be controversial from a buyer's perspective. So it's a bit tricky, not just from the technical side, but also from that aspect.

    I think an easy win would be to allow nicely formatted embedded tweets. Currently the product page doesn't allow tweet embeds at all, so creators either have to screenshot them, or copy/paste the text and link to the tweets (as I do). Regular tweet embeds look nice, but they also take a lot of space, so maybe we can find a way to embed a tweet but render it in a more compact form. We plan to allow a lot more product page customization this year, so this might be something that will make it with that push.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the reply Daniel.

      Agree, handling user-generated content is a problem.

      The disadvantage of creators putting review screenshot is only Positive review gets highlighted.

      Secondly, with positive reviews also, a few will be highlighted by creators. So the buyer never gets a complete idea if the product is a good fit for them.

      Do you think having a separate review website where verified buyers can give reviews for Gumroad products and other Indiehacker products will be a good idea to work on?

      1. 1

        I think it’s a tough business if done commercially. Hard to moderate and hard to monetize.

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