
Listening to a podcast of an interview of two startup founders that I very much respect. They are talking about the app clubhouse and my curiosity got the best of me. I couldn't find a whole lot about it online, except that it is invite-only and it appears the app is getting some traction. Anyone using it?


I'm impressed with the marketing/scarcity behind it. A+ to the founders standing out in a crowded social app area.

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    Clubhouse brings unique dynamics of real-time voice conversations. I am enjoying it so far. Part of my experience was like a Tech Summit: asking questions, answered by VC/Tech leaders, Fun night talks getting to know new people.

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      I am also Building Clubhouse for remote teams 💬, Drop-in audio talk lets teams Spark a conversation with a single click. Check out Tappy 👈 if you are interested.

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    I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently but invites seem to be like gold dust; can’t get one anywhere! I think it’s the exclusivity which interests me but I do wonder how the platform will do once that element fades away.

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