What do you need to learn this week? [Perpetual Student Tuesday]

As IHers, we always have to be learning. (Arguably, this is a goal for any person who wants to self-actualize, not just IHers.) But learning is tough!

If you're trying to learn something new, leave a comment and tell us what it is, and what resources you're using.

If you're an expert/more experienced in an area that someone else is learning in, please leave them a comment with the best resources you've found in that area.

Let's help each other!

side eyes chloe

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    Gotta learn about setting up sales on Gumroad!

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    I would learn some hacking tips and rules because I see how this method facilitates any process (the way of studying via tips and preliminary practices). So now I am learning the writix essay examples about the supremacy of EU law to be aware of responsibilities while activating in the American and foreign programming sphere. I use https://writix.co.uk/essay-examples/supremacy-of-eu-law to go deeper into legacy and feel secure when studying new codes. Therefore, check it since essays are one of the best issues to understand how something works.

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    some new sales and growth hacking tips! if anyone has any recommendations on growth hacking especially let me know!

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    I learnt some new things on NFT

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    I have to really really save up some time for this - but I want to learn some online marketing.
    I did not searched for lots of resources - though I saw a 10 hours long youtube video with lots of views and likes and also positive comments - maybe I will go with that.

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