My first app is approved on the store! 🎉

Hi everybody, I just wanted to share that my first app is approved by the app store.


I did everything. I plan to change some of the images later. Perhaps using Canva.

English is not my second language, so I am not sure the main idea of the app is properly explained in the description. Any feedback is very welcome!!!

Now I think I have gained a better understanding of the platform, I will build more apps in the near future. I will keep you all posted!

  1. 1

    How is your app doing? any update?

    1. 1

      Hi, thanks for asking!
      The app is up and running. I have not worked more on it since I released it.
      I have 6 paying customers :D. It is not much, barely the hosting costs.
      Little support in the sense of the app not working properly, I thought it would require more support from my end, but so far not that much.
      I am happy with the overall results, I am already planning on releasing two more applications, I need to organize myself so that I can work on them.

  2. 1

    great app and friendly user, what's technology use it to develop this app?

    1. 2

      I used ruby on rails to build the application.

  3. 1

    Just an update. Today two people installed the plugin in their shops 🎉

    1. 1

      awsome , keep going

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