How to use React useReducer hook like a pro

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    I liked your post. Thanks for sharing..

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    Cool. I learned a few things

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      Glad you've liked it!

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    Great job. Keep going!

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    An Fyi, the fact that you need to know so much about how to manage state in React, just shows how pathetic React is at handling state.

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      Managing state is a hard issue in any sufficiently large and complex software.

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        This is correct. So many different architectures in other languages as well. I'm working on a Flutter app and it's the same thing. It doesn't mean that React specifically is bad at handling state, any software needs state management.

      2. 0

        Let me put this bluntly: in React, it's pretty insane to have non trivial state. If you have a large and complex software + React, that will make it probably 5-10x more complex than it should be.

        1. 1

          Do you have examples of other frameworks or libraries where you consider that managing state is 5-10x simpler than in React?

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            Any language that is not JS.
            Haven't tried Vue/Angular, but I'm almost certain they handle it better.

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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