Any interest in a community like IH, but only for game devs?

IH has a wealth of knowledge and support, but it is often geared heavily toward SaaS + tools products. This isn't a bad thing, as things like marketing and general business insight of course carry over to game business and are very useful. But I'm wondering if there would be a benefit to a more tailored, focused community/resource for game devs specifically.

Does anyone know of something like this?

I know of several Discord servers (Indie Game Business, Indie Dev World Order, others) that feature this. However, Discord servers are notoriously messy and it's hard to find old information reliably.

I've thought about making a newsletter/blog/site to give it a shot unless something already exists!

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    Maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieDev and similar subreddits is what you're looking for? That's where I spend some time, offer constructive criticism to the snapshots of their game people are posting, or ask for feedback myself.

    For more game design centric and more in-depth game related discussions, I really enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/.

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    Hi Christian, I thought about this too, not much info on GameDev besides tutorials.

    I think current the closest is http://gamedev.net but it’s a mix of forums and news site but I have not checked in much on that site.

    For blogs there is https://www.gamedesigning.org/

    And for Indie gamedev there is https://www.tigsource.com/ but it may be dated.

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      Nice, thanks! I've heard of gamedev.net but not the other two. In tigsource, I do like the categories on the side, but yeah, info seems older or at least harder to find the most important stuff. I'll spend a bit more time poking around here.

      Maybe a site that has general discussion area like IH, but also curated pages like "Business," "Marketing," "PR," etc. would help keep important stuff visible.

      I think there's an important distinction between technical game dev skills like programming and using tools vs. business stuff. I could see a site that has both, or just business stuff, be useful. Not sure what would be the most useful to people though.

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        Are you intending to curate what is out there in a site?

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          Yeah, I think the main draw would be curation - possibly in the form of articles that share good processes or steps when starting out. It could go over some basics like how to begin marketing, what you need to know when creating a business, how to use game analytics.

          The idea would be that these article should stay fairly constant in terms of the approach for someone starting out, and could reference many other articles for further reading.

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