Best sales CRM for solo makers/small teams?

Hey indies,

I'm doing sales using Apollo.io and Smartlead, for lead gen and emailing. I'm now looking for a CRM to manage/nurture leads effectively. Not too expensive, and practical for a team of 1!

Any tips on which tool to use?


  1. 2

    If you have more than 10k mmr - use hubspots free version. I really liked it and you get unlimited contacts.

    If sales are still ramping up, continue to use Notion and use Yesware for emailing or Brevo for CRM

  2. 1

    I used the free version of Hubspot but will use Attio next. Nothing wrong with Hubspot just like the vibe Attio has.

  3. 1

    Mathilde, have you found a solution that works for you? I believe I'm looking for the same thing.

    1. 1

      No, I'm simply managing with Notion for now. Let me know if you find something better!

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