Growing my business is overwhelming

Hey everyone, I thought I could write here something about my experience while trying to build my business and get your feedback.

Just to give you an idea about what I do, I'm trying to build a web development agency with a focus on building the right things (following the lean method).
I started as a solo freelancer full-stack developer, working for a couple of clients that I helped creating the full-projects from scratch. Working for a couple of clients only felt a bit risky, what if the projects stopped? So I thought to start building a team and a business that could scale more and provide constant revenue.

So as I got more work, I started looking for some help on Upwork and I started a really productive collaboration with 3 developers, that now help me working on the agency's projects. Meanwhile, I'm working on a business strategy, so trying to create an effective website, creating content, studying a bit of copywriting, and Google Ads. But I also need to do some programming, project management, team management, and looking for more clients in a more traditional way (Upwork, networking). Just to make things more challenging, I keep reading books about the lean method, software engineering, etc... because I want to provide a quality service.

As you can imagine, that's a lot of mental work. I'm trying to delegate as much as I can, but I have a budget limit, so I need to do lots of things by myself. I find myself sitting on a chair completely paralyzed because I don't know where to start, what to prioritize (everything seems important) and I feel a great urgency to procrastinate and sometimes give up. But I'm quite a patient person.

My energy is being drained by this. I want to create a business that fits my lifestyle, and not the opposite, but at this pace, I'll end up just burning out.

Did this happen to any of you? Or are you having a similar situation? Any tips to overcome this?

Thank you for reading so far!

posted to
Business Ops
on October 18, 2020
  1. 1


    Are you looking to hire any freelancer. Thank you.

  2. 1

    Good luck with you life-work balancing! I would say first you need to imagine in what situation you would like to be in, which kind of business and amount of stress do you prefer. Then you should know where to focus more and which business to drop.

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