Do you use NPM modules in your extension? How?

Do you just use a background.js file and a contentscripts file to build your extension? if not then how do you do it?

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Browser Extension Makers
on May 8, 2021
  1. 2

    yup I import a few packages including React.js .

    What you want is a "bundler", it's a tool that frontend devs use to get their code ready to ship in a browser. The bundler compiles and bundles all your scripts into a single generated "dist" JS file. Then you put that dist JS into your extension bundle, and that file is your extension's content script or background script.

    ESBuild is a good choice for this (there's other choices like Webpack, Parcel, etc). Here's my ESBuild script:

        entryPoints: [
        sourcemap: 'external',
        bundle: true,
        platform: 'browser',
        outdir: 'chrome-extension/dist',
    .catch(err => {
        console.log(err.stack || err);
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