This is Australia

This is how our leaders want Australia to be? Adopters??

We are the country that made WiFi, the cochlear implant, the Ultrasound scanner, Cervical cancer vaccine, the winged keel, electric drill, the electric pacemaker, the precursor to Google Maps, Atlassian, Xero and a ton of great startups that have to scratch and claw for investment....

Australia isn’t the lucky country, it’s the clever country and I am damn proud to be a part of it. If our leaders think we should just fall in line with whatever comes our way rather than spending money to create our own technology, make our own future then we need new leaders that believe in its people, and is willing to put their money where their mouth is to prove it!! For shame!
#startups #makers

Sorry, hate being political but this has really annoyed me!!


  1. 1

    I'm trying to apply the same script on my medical page of vascular ultrasound that hosted on WordPress.

  2. 1

    we need new leaders that believe in its people

    We certainly do.

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