What's Your Most Successful Music Marketing Strategy?

Hi It's Michael 🤟🏾

I help indie musicians and producers market their music to wider audiences online. I'm interested in hearing about any music marketing success strategies from musicians or producers on indie hacker.

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IndieHacker Pro Artists
on January 13, 2021
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    The best marketing method for bands is live performances. If you need help setting up a tour, let us know https://twitter.com/sweetworksllc

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    Hey Michael, Luke here.

    I've recently gotten back into releasing my own music with the lockdown and having so much more free time. It's definitely a lot harder to get your music heard these days.

    In my teenage years, I was in bands. Playing live locally, and having myspace made it fairly easy to spread the word - but neither of those are on the cards right now.

    What are your views as a marketer/promoter on what doesn't work for musicians/producers?

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      Hi Luke,

      I agree myspace was definitely a game changer when it was introduced to the music industry.

      In regards to what marketing strategies don't work for musicians or producers. I would say traditional methods have less impact in todays world e.g radio, pr, blogs etc. I'm sure you'll agree that nearly all the marketing methods above are expensive and provide varied return of results.

      I would advise all upcoming artists to structure their music career like one of there favourite online businesses. Learn how to use SEO, implement sales systems and leverage paid advertising platforms.

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