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DAO Platform Idea Feedback

Hi guys, I’m looking to get some feedback in regards to something I am building. I have been involved in crypto for quite a few years now and currently work at a VC-funded ($25M+) blockchain company.

Through work and my personal interest in DAOs, I’ve seen how confusing and disjointed it is to both participate in and run a DAO at the moment. There are too many platforms that people use (Discourse/Discord) for discussion that simply aren’t built for DAOs. A lot of use cases for DAOs don’t require actual protocols and on-chain actions either.

It blows my mind that some huge DAOs have to use a number of platforms for what should really be a straightforward, streamlined process.

To combat this, I am in the middle of developing a platform that simplifies the process of creating and running a DAO.

You will be able to fully run the DAO on the site, with all the basic functionality you need right there.

I’m looking to bounce this idea off you all, in the hope of improving the platform and gaining some insights from people who are involved in DAOs and understand the current challenges that come along with them.

It’s really simple, as an MVP, it will literally be:

  • Token-gated Discussion Forum
  • Voting on proposals (think Snapshot)
  • Admin powers for the wallets of elected executive team members (with power to revoke if the team changes)

That’s basically it. In the future, there are plenty of features to add, but as MVP, is there anything else simple DAOs (running a brick and mortar shop, running a sporting team, etc) require?

I am building guides on the simplest ways to create and issue tokens as well, so it will really be a platform that can help take DAOs from inception to fully running.

Would love to hear your initial thoughts. And please drop down in the comments the biggest pain points you have running/participating in DAOs at the moment.

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    I think the most important thing is that the DAO has a utility and an Aim , over are the days of raising millions with nothing but a DAO and a white paper, (similar to ICOs back in 2017) You need to have the following
    1-A community
    2-A goal and a roadmap to get there
    3-A. real utility for a token.

    For instance I run a crypto LATAM crypto community (criptologia.com.mx ), the aim of the community is to facilitate crypto adoption thought LATAM through news, crypto education and our podcast.

    Having this community system in place allows us to build the second phase of the community, which is a DAO, The aim of the DAO is to invest in LATAM crypto projects and have the community as the supporters and initial testers of the DAO portfolio companies, kinda like a DAOVC.

    If you are interested in having a chat don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]

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    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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