How to find PART-TIME dev work

Finding a PT dev gig is wayyy different from finding a FT one.

After landing 3 PT dev roles in the past two months, I finally figured it out.

Here are my 8 tips for any software developers who want to get some side cheddar:

  1. Stop grinding Leetcode
  2. Stop talking to recruiters
  3. Stop obsessing over your portfolio
  4. Stop being desperate
  5. Be confident
  6. Reach out to your network for warm leads
  7. Apply for bootcamps & internships
  8. Meet founders w/ $$

The full breakdown in my latest YouTube video 👇


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    Thanks for the interesting topic! I am in the same place at the moment. I'm a freelance developer from germany and I want to work max. 20h per week. Many companies here block off immediately when they hear that.

    In the first part about thre recruiters I really felt what you're talking about.

    The part about the warm lead from friends and family: All the people in my life, coming from that side were like "oh you do internetstuff? We have wordpress" - I do react and technically I could do wordpress stuff, but it's not really what I'm going fo, so I think finding something in your technical niche is a pretty small chance here.

    The bootscamps is a new idea for me. I have to check out, if I find something like that 👍️

    About Meet the founders: No idea where to meet them 🙃

    Before watching your video I created a TL;DW, to know if it's interesting for me:

    Stop grinding leak code and talking to recruiters in the same way you would for a full-time job. Don't obsess over your portfolio and don't be desperate. Reach out to your network, apply for boot camps and internships, and meet with founders and business executives who are ready to spend. Filter out anyone who is not on the same page. Focus your time on activities that may lead to a part-time job. ( https://summarizeit.io/summaries/Ty-Hitzeman-Find-*part-time*-dev-work-or-8-tips )

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      I'm glad you found some parts helpful. Your TL;DW summary was cool. Best of luck with Summarizeit.

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