I built a focus timer that gamifies your work and motivates you so you don't burn out.

Hey everyone,

I built workcalmly.com, a productivity app that gamifies your work so you can ship your project and not burn out.

You know it... you start your new project with a burst of motivation, but once this wears off, it's difficult to stay consistent and make progress.

You have limited time and energy, feel overwhelmed, and don't see progress. Before you notice, you enter a downward spiral and your side project might never see the light of day.

WorkCalmly addresses these challenges. With WorkCalmly, you can:

  • Reduce overwhelm with a calm environment for focused work and beautiful design
  • Make meaningful progress even with limited time and energy (through a focus timer, focus music, and a coach that's not annoying)
  • Stay motivated and consistent with streaks and levels
  • See progress and your efforts through stats and analytics
  • Feel more accomplished as you can see what you put in every day (even if you did "under the hood" work)

It's in beta and free to use at workcalmly.com (web only).

I'd love your feedback to learn what could be improved too :)

Happy new years and greetings from Germany,


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Share Your Project
on January 2, 2024
  1. 1

    Nice job! I'm not big on productivity tools but I'll share with friends that are :)

    1. 1

      Thank you so much, Evan! 🙏🏼

  2. 1

    Hi Jonas. If you don't mind would like to give you some free customer analysis report. From this customer analysis, you could understand what you potential customer are doing online and change your marketing strategy accordingly mainly on reddit posts, and blogging.

    Here is the customer analysis : WORKCALMLY CUSTOMER ANALYSIS

    From the customer analysis "work-life balance" are one of the most frequent subject your potential customer are searching online ( google traffic 201K and on average around 2091 up vote and 357 comments on reddit on this subject ).

    If you adjust your blog posts and reddit using these analysis, your posts will be closer to getting your potential leads.

    Going deep on the subject here are top things that your customer are interested about the subject :

    • work-life balance for startup founders

    • importance of work-life balance for entrepreneurs

    • maintaining work-life balance while running a startup

    If you blog posts and reddit posts include these as the title, there is very high chance people will click on it and pay attention to it.

    Hopefully you will look into the full analysis as it will help you gain more leads.

    You can also do the analysis your self using decentool.com

  3. 1

    Looks crazy! Who are your competitors? Maybe would be better for users to understand better your added value.

    1. 1

      Hey Leandro, there are quite a few out there. I think you could consider every focus timer a competitor. But love that idea to show how WorkCalmly is different more concretely. Thanks!

  4. 1

    The website looks amazing. What tools you used to design the website?

    1. 2

      Thank you so much! I just used Figma and Next.js to build it. But I worked as a product designer for a couple years :)

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