Where do you find niche/small newsletters to promote your product?

I need to promote my product to a certain audience. Is there any platform that gathers together newsletters that offer promotion?

posted to
Newsletter Crew
on February 2, 2023
  1. 1

    I am running Micro SaaS Ideas with 22,000 subs. Haven't yet done sponsored ads yet. But will see.

    But if you want to do it yourselves and find newsletters, some pointers.

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing.

      I am looking to promote Knowledgehunt - Knowledgehunt provides an easy way to discover new and upcoming trends, ideas and solutions that you may not have come across otherwise. With the wide range of curated reports, handbooks, and guidebooks, you will be able to gain insights and knowledge that can help you in the growth and success of your business.

      If you are potentially interested in sponsored ad to promote KH, let me know.

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