What lessons have you learned while building your startup?

Hello Indie Hackers! 👋

Building startups is not as straight forward as some may think. I made a couple of mistakes myself with Testkit.

Today I'm going to share some of these mistakes and what I learned from them, and I'm looking forward to other stories from my fellow Indie Hackers as well!

Hiring too early

This one was honestly unexpected. First off, I joined an Accelerator in January 2022, and to increase development time, I though of hiring two freelancers to help with development.
What happened though, was the complete opposite. It slowed everything down. I had to define tasks thoroughly (which I am not super good at) and manage everything that comes with it, like answering questions, doing code reviews, etc. - it reached the point where I could not focus on development anymore, and because of my (too fast) decision making, the architecture was messed up and not suitable to implement what the early users requested.

Lesson: If you're a technical founder, build yourself. Don't hire until you really, really have to or your business makes enough money to support that.

Acquiring a business

In April, after I almost burned out and panicked, since I didn't have any users, not making any money, and didn't know what to do next, I found a startup that provides browser infrastructure as a service. You can basically use Cypress, Playwright, Selenium or whatever else to run your tests across multiple browsers in the cloud. You could also run manual tests with different browsers in the cloud. Nothing new, for sure, but I thought that acquiring this startup would help me go to market faster. Boy, was I wrong. The acquisition went smoothly, but updating the code and infrastructure was a big pain. It took long, I had to learn all the caveats, and in the end, I didn't even launch it. Instead, I launched another product. Run Cypress tests in the cloud across multiple browsers, but with debugging tools, like DOM inspection etc.
I've learned quickly that no one cared about it. The response I got when I was building the initial idea of Testkit vs the responses I got when I launched the Cypress tool were wildly different. I decided to shut it down, and rebuild the original Testkit from the ground up. This time, I'll think it through.

Lesson: Focus on your idea. Build it. There are no shortcuts, and acquiring businesses certainly won't help if you don't make any money.

Not thinking through the architecture

This refers to the first mistake I made with hiring too early and deciding things too quickly. Testkit is complicated. The web is complicated. If I would have sat down for one or two weeks, after I talked to potential users, and before touching even one line of code, to plan out the code architecture, the stack and write down everything that is needed, plus what might be needed in the future, I probably would have never made my second mistake, along with many others. Before you build, talk to potential users, or anyone that might use what you want to build or already uses something similar. Don't market. Don't sell them anything. Just really try to learn what they're using, why they're using it, and what their problems are. After that, don't code. Take one or two weeks where you summarize everything you learned from customers and try to transform it into a guide on how to code that product. Take it easy during that time, don't do everything on one day. Instead, live your life, but look at your plan at least twice a day and think it through. You will save yourself from having to rewrite everything from scratch at some point, and you will dramatically speed up your development.

Lesson: Before writing the code, talk to users, gain conviction, and then start planning your architecture and researching solutions for possible problems you may encounter.

What about you?

It's the first time talking about the mistakes I made with Testkit in public. It feels weird, but it's necessary. I hope you learn something from it.

Now it's your turn. We all make mistakes, don't shy away - share them so everyone can learn from them!

If you want to follow along my journey of building Testkit, feel free to follow me on Twitter - I am building in public!

posted to
Lessons learned
on October 24, 2022
  1. 2

    It's amazing to see how far TestKit has come over the past year, even if it's been a bumpy ride (it always is I think!).

    It does make me wonder, do you think joining an accelerator and/or taking investment happened too early for you? Hiring too early and acquiring a business were both detours you could only make under those circumstances.

    Would you say that the overarching lesson in this post is that there's no shortcut to success, and the best thing you can do is to engage with your users early and often?

    Thanks for sharing these insights into your past year, and keep up the amazing work 👏

    1. 2

      Thanks Chris! It sure is a bumpy ride, but it's finally shaping up!

      I don't think joining an accelerator was the main mistake, the accelerator made it possible for me to work full-time on it, and I'm pretty sure if I couldn't do that, I would've dropped Testkit already. My problem was that I was rushing for results so I can raise a follow-up round. Since I dropped the idea of raising money and instead just try to bootstrap as long as possible, I see myself making way more progress and even making a way better product.

      That's a really great summary of the lessons, I love that! And I'd definitely say so!

      You keep up with Squeaky as well! Love to see Squeaky develop as well! 🚀

  2. 2

    Disclaimer: pre-market fit mode. Keep asking yourself what is the minimum required to build to start talking to clients. Not a broken / poorly designed product or service, but the bare minimum. Too easy to overbuild.

  3. 2

    Good lessons Yassine.

    I saw this post shared in the Indie Worldwide slack.

    Actually just shared a thread here earlier today about some lessons I learned this year.


    1. Don't over-engineer

    Spent a lot of time this year getting rid of code where I could and replacing it with no-code.

    1. Raise your prices

    Even a couple years into being a founder I'm still shy about raising prices and asking for the sale.

    1. It can take longer than you think

    I was sure I'd 10x my prices this year, but only managed to 2x. Which still sounds great! But my expectations were so high that doubling is still kind of a let-down (which is why I wrote some of my thoughts out in the above thread.

    1. 2

      Awesome lessons! I especially resonate with your third lesson, it does take longer than I thought beforehand!

  4. 1

    "Not thinking through the architecture"
    I did the opposite in the past: I thought too much about the architecture, about possible problems to be solved in the near or distant future, and overengineered a lot. That doesn't help either.

  5. 1

    Hi Yassine! I'm following closely, since I'm also launching a software test tool (Headlamp).

    My biggest mistake was waiting too long to get serious about Marketing.

    Once I began to engage with Testers in person (easy to do at testing conferences) and on Twitter, then Headlamp started getting some real traction.

  6. 1

    Solve a Problem people care about. Simple as it is =)

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