Which cloud hosting would be better for a WP blog with 70k UV/month?

I have a WP blog that gets around 70-80k unique visitors a month. My current hosting costs about $45/month. Would I be benefitted in terms of cost if I switched to a cloud hosting like Google Cloud or AWS? Thanks.

Which cloud hosting should I go for?
  1. Google Cloud
  2. AWS
  3. Digital Ocean
  4. Any other
  1. 2

    Wow $45/mth.... these days, I'm a bit tired of having to constantly update WP sites, so if I were you, I'll consider something like Shifter - just $16/mth, and they make the website static so it becomes blazingly fast and secure.

  2. 1

    I run a 500K Pageviews blog on Digital Ocean and pay $20 a month in hosting. It could be cheaper but I opted for a 420 droplet.

    I run it on Nginx with latest ubuntu 20.04

  3. 1

    Hey hameem. You should use Uffizzi cloud. We built it for use cases like this. Super easy set up - deploy Wordpress from Dockerhub public repo and Uffizzi handles the rest. You can get auto-scaling on the performance tier to scale up and back down for surges in traffic to your site

  4. 1

    Well traffic spikes are really necessary to care about . But i can suggest you few other cheap solution . Can't tell here due to lot of information available. but you can contact me on twitter on @anujjindal121

  5. 1

    With cloud hosting you have pay-per-use pricing option but everything depends on your real usage now. How much resources do you currently really consume? The load of traffic is permanent or you have big spikes?

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